Hi...my husband is a die-hard Cowboys fan -- not easy considering we live in Philadelphia!! He%26#39;s been a fan for 25+ years and has never been to Texas Stadium.
I%26#39;d like to surprise him on Christmas Day with a trip to the Cowboys - Eagles game that evening.
I need help with logistics:
I assume flying into DFW is best. Are there hotels near the stadium? Will I need a rental car? How far is the stadium and/or hotels from the airport?
Also looking for the best way to get tix. I know they are expensive...any suggested outlets outside of craigslist and ebay?
Thanks! I%26#39;ll take any advice I can get in planning this once in a lifetime surprise.
Christmas Day Dallas - Philly Football game trip advice
Wow, he%26#39;s in for a special treat for sure!
Is there anyway you could fly into dallas love field? If so, I always pick that aiport b/c DFW is HUGE and you will definitely get lost!
BUT, chances are that%26#39;s the airport you%26#39;ll be flying in to.
The stadium is really not in the best area of town and for that reason I would definitely rent a car.
From driving around a lot I would say to check out the Sterling Hotel. I%26#39;ve never stayed there so I can%26#39;t tell you it%26#39;s great but the parking lot is always full around game time. Also I would say it%26#39;s in the closest proximity.
How long are you staying? Asking because if it%26#39;s one night, stay there. If you%26#39;re staying longer, I would stay more in the downtown/market center area.
Christmas Day Dallas - Philly Football game trip advice
If you type ';Sterling'; in the search box, you will find several posts that spell out why it is NOT a good place to stay.
The airport is about 12 miles from Texas Stadium.
Have a look at the following post for some excellent advice from ChrystinP on this topic- hope it helps!
Thanks for steering them in the right direction, poodleone. I can%26#39;t imagine what kind of ';h.e.double-hockey sticks'; they%26#39;d find at the Sterling Hotel.
I can%26#39;t think of any deals on Cowboy tix, sorry.
Found this on the Dallas Cowboys site:
It also says you can get them at Ticket Master, don%26#39;t know how good the seats are though.
Unless you just want to stay in Dallas there are some nice reasonable priced hotels in the Las Colinas area along 114 between O%26#39;Connor and Walnut Hill. There are also some upscale places like the Four Seasons, the Marriott, Omni Mandalay. Also check out the Gaylord Texan. It%26#39;s usually decorated beautifully at Christmas. If you%26#39;re going to rent a car, 114 goes right by Texas Stadium. Be sure to leave early because traffic is usually backed up. Also get a parking pass if you get tickets.
Staying in Las Colinas (Irving) is the best advice. You can go to Hotwire 4* hotels for around $100-$120 %26amp; get the Mandalay Hotel. You could drive to the stadium %26amp; pay for parking (think mad house) or there is a restaurant, Cool River Cafe, nor far from this hotel that runs a shuttle for $8. We have not tried this, but are going to go today %26amp; see how it goes. You definitly need a rental car as public transportation here is awful.
As long as you don%26#39;t visit the bar upstairs I don%26#39;t see any reason not to stay at the Sterling Hotel. Sure, it%26#39;s not the nicest place in town, but the staff are nice and friendly, the rooms are clean and they have a good price.
Stayed there for 3 weeks this summer and I mostly have good things to say about this hotel.
The only way to fly into Love Field from Philadelphia is on Southwest Airlines. It seems to me they did open gates at Philadelphia a couple of years ago, and Love is now easier to get to from more cities, so you might be able to fly in there.
DFW is a large airport, but there is no reason to be intimidated by it. Particularly as you%26#39;ll just catch a van to the rental car location and then drive straight out of the airport. Folks who have to drive through the terminals get confused if they don%26#39;t drive through the airport very often.
Irving/Las Colinas has some lovely hotels. You don%26#39;t mention a price range but you can find a choice from a lower priced venue such as AmeriSuites to the Four Seasons. There is at least one of every Marriott property there. The Marriot is very nice, I%26#39;ve stayed there a couple of times.
The Gaylord Hotel is another place you might consider, not as close as the others to the stadium, but a very nice hotel that a lot of people get very enthused about. I%26#39;ve stayed there once and it%26#39;s very nice, but I don%26#39;t like atrium hotels as a general rule. It is very pretty, though, and very much so at Christmas. If this is a big Christmas splurge then that would probably be the best choice. I just checked pricing Dec. 22 through 26 and they had rooms ranging from $159 to $189 a night.
If you don%26#39;t want to spend that much then check out the lower-end Marriot properties. Marriott is extremely consistent. I don%26#39;t use services like Priceline because of the lack of control, but lots of folks don%26#39;t mind the lack of control of the hotel due to the good price deals that they get. I admit I wouldn%26#39;t stay at the Sterling, but I can%26#39;t tell you from any personal experience that it%26#39;s not nice.
I buy tickets through StubHub. Love their system. You can roll your cursor over the diagram of the stadium and it%26#39;ll tell you how many tickets in what price ranges are available. Right now they%26#39;re showing tickets starting at $55 for your game.
And yes, I know American has gates at Love, but only from a few cities like Kansas City.
Hi sharbev, my husband and i just returned from dallas for the cowboys - colts game. we bought our tickets online at www.ticketsnow.com. they were at least double face value but we had front row seats and they were well worth the price. we stayed at hotel za za. it is an uptown trendy hotel in which we were told many celbrities often stay. the room was one of the best i have seen! it is about 15 miles from the stadium, they had plenty of cabs waiting outside the hotel to take us to and from the game with no trouble. the hotel is in a nice area of town in which u can take a trolley to the nearby sites. i recommend it for a nicer, maybe midrange to upscale weekend!
Hi, I realize your post is almost 2 months old at this point but if you are still looking for tickets and info on where to stay, I can help. I live in NJ and travel to Dallas frequently. Like your husband, I am a lifelong Cowboys fan and I have tickets to this game that I%26#39;m looking to get rid of. Sterling Hotel is not terrible at all and they have a shuttle to the stadium for like $10.
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