Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Casbeers, San Antonio

Heads up for any of you free this Friday night, Dec 1. A terrific group we heard first in Gruene is playing at Casbeers--Band of Heathens, an Austin group. They are OUTSTANDING! I%26#39;m lobbying to go...we%26#39;ll see. DH is sort of dragging his feet about Friday night at 9 despite the fact that they are also his new favorite group. With any sort of luck, this is a group that will eventually ';make it';.

We%26#39;ve never been to Casbeers. I know it%26#39;s a restaurant too. Are the rooms separate? Do you need to get there early?

Casbeers, San Antonio

What was your experience like? I have heard it referred to as a Dive,but in a positive way...I ate there a decade ago,and enjoyed Chicken and Dumplings...I applaud their effort at live music in SA....

Casbeers, San Antonio

We didn%26#39;t make it. :%26lt; We were huddled around our firelplace instead at their start time. We did have their cd playing though. I%26#39;m really sorry to have missed it...they were so good at Gruene.

Dives are fine and fun to a degree. Last weekend at Gruene Hall was a little disconcerting...sort of a tough group, probably 75% bikers, which is very unusual in our experience. We thought maybe that bar by the river where they normally hangout was closed, but nope...they were there as well when we drove by on the way out. Hopefully it won%26#39;t go in the same direction, that they were just taking advantage of what was probably the last of the really beautiful weekends, so were out in en masse everywhere. I%26#39;m fine with an even split...but by the time it reaches the proportions it did last weekend, it becomes a little intimidating.

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