Monday, April 16, 2012

Tex Mex & Mexican food.

What%26#39;s the difference?

Tex Mex %26amp; Mexican food.

Lots of opinions on this one- here%26#39;s mine:

Tex-Mex is a blending of Mexican food and border influences, often using more beef. For example, fajitas and flour tortillas tend to be more Tex-Mex. Mexxican or interior Mexican uses more native foods including corn tortillas, pork, chicken and seafood. Tex-Mex is less complicated, a more simple comfort type food. Border type Tex-Mex uses more pinto beans while interior Mexican leans toward the black beans.

You will find blending and inter-mingling of all types but folks definitely know what they like!

Tex Mex %26amp; Mexican food.

Many of the food items that we in the US think of as Mexican are actually Texan/American in origin - fajitas, crispy tacos, chili con carne, chips and salsa, and even margaritas (supposedly invented at Mariano%26#39;s here in Dallas). A waiter in Mexico told me that they had never served chips and hot sauce before a meal until it began to be requested by American tourists. The use of yellow cheese is also an indicator of Tex-Mex food since Mexican cooking uses white cheeses on their dishes.

Texas used to be part of Mexico, and has always had a large Hispanic population. This familiarity with Mexican ingredients and dishes has allowed a fusion of the two cuisines into the Tex-Mex of today. I%26#39;m sure Californians and Arizonans would argue that their food is equally as good, but I doubt it!

Thanks for explanation! I think I prefer the Tex Mex version!

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